Some Benefits Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, commonly abbreviated as HBOT is a non-invasive procedure in which patients are administered pure oxygen under higher pressure meters. While "hyper" stands for heightened, the term "baric" is related to pressure. Put together, hyperbaric simply means the inhalation of oxygen under higher atmospheric pressures.

HBOT is generally conducted in acrylic bed chambers where the patients are instructed to lie in a supine position. The pressure is gradually increased by the administration of oxygen from pipes that are attached to the compartment. Patients might experience some discomfort in their ears as long as the fluctuating pressure levels do not stabilize. To minimize such feelings of discomfiture, accessories such as cotton balls or ear plugs can also be used.

There are two kinds of HBOT therapy: mild and hard. Mild HBOT therapy is that in which the atmospheric pressure of oxygen within the chamber varies between 1.3 to 1.5 ATA. In hard HBOT therapy, the scales range between 1.5 to 2.0 ATA. According to the traditional definition of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, oxygen had to be administered at a full 100% to qualify for the label. However, such demarcations have changed over the years. Currently, scientists argue that since ambient air contains 21% oxygen, any percentage that is higher than that qualifies as HBOT therapy. Whatever, be the case, the therapy has been beneficial for a number of reasons as stated below.

HBOT therapy saturates body fluids and blood with oxygen, making it's content multiply by almost six times. With the increased availability of oxygen to the cells and tissues, they are activated into an actively functional mode, that is, they are no longer hbot sedentary in their existence, thriving for the want of maintenance. Hyper-oxygenated cells function optimally, without needlessly spending too much of cellular energy.

This therapy improves oxygen supply to the cranial cavity and brain cells, thereby triggering them into an active mode. This procedure has proven to be extremely effective for the treatment of cerebral hypoperfusion and neuroinflammational tendencies in autistic children and adults. HBOT assists in cellular metabolism and the production vital glucose, which in turn, leads to the formulation and generation of neurotransmitters. These transmitters play an important role in the effective functioning of the brain.

This therapy stimulates the production of stem cells which play an important role in repairing the damaged cells and tissues.

HBOT also accelerates the growth of new blood vessels, which only result in better supply of blood and oxygen to the different parts of the body. New capillaries also ensure better circulation of drugs and medicines to the tissues and muscles, and improves the body's ability to fight the harmful effects of micro-organisms.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy also helps in the production of collagen and the generation of new skin.

There are enzymatic and molecular changes, and the body's defensive capacity is improved. With regular therapy, white blood corpuscles improve in their ability to fight bacteria and other foreign bodies like fungi, waste by-products and dead cells.

Research has shown that HBOT therapy helps to increase the body's capability of producing glutathione by almost 15%.

It is also beneficial for repairing the damage undergone by cells and tissues owing to radiation therapy.

The extra supply of oxygen to the brain also helps to mitigate the poisonous effect of carbon monoxide.

It is effective for treating patients with gas gangrene, as it helps in annihilating certain types of anaerobic bacterial growths.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is beneficial for treating a number of conditions like autism, stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, air embolism, arthritis, gas gangrene, carbon monoxide poisoning, in short, from a number of debilitating conditions that result due to the paucity of oxygen supply. With the improved supply and circulation of oxygen, patients can enjoy better health conditions and lifestyle patterns.


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