Let's Compare Software Migration Methodologies!
There may be certain reasons which urge you to take a decision of migrating your legacy system to a new technology platform. This is known as software migration. You can partner with a company that focuses on delivering software migration services. There are two methodologies of software migration.
As times change, programming languages and libraries also undergo the process of evolution. This gives rise to next-generation technologies, which surface and eventually replace the existing ones. Often, the changes take place steadily so one gets the time to adapt to the new software environment using these conventional maintenance activities. However, some times the changes take place at such a fast pace that software migration becomes a prior commitment.
There are basically two types of software migration methodologies namely, Manual Rewrite Migration and Tool-Assisted Migration. The former entails hand coding to create the legacy codebase from the beginning. Also optionally, you can use this Tenant to Tenant migration methodology for transforming the legacy application to a novel codebase using a translation tool. This entire mechanism of re-write is based on the exterior view of the legacy system and involves questions based on its appearance, way of functioning at the code level etc.
On the other hand, you can use tool-assisted migration that equivalences customization of translation tools with the work supposed to be done manually for the conversion of legacy applications to an advanced codebase. This migration methodology is based on the internal view of the legacy system, and involves questions based on its implementation way at the level of source code. It can enable you produce a complete replica of the legacy system on a brand new platform. The entire code of the legacy system is translated to a new language using the converter tool. Editing, however, can be done manually for the optimum use of its advanced features.
If we compare the two methodologies, tool-assisted migration has an edge over the manual rewrite migration by virtue of its speed of transition. In dearth of appropriate tool support, you might need to invest a good amount of time in migrating the codebase and supporting both the streams, legacy as well as new development streams. Not only this, you'd be required to do a lot of duplicate work and incorporate changes. In case you fall short of the resources to sustain parallel stream, you'd need to lock the legacy stream and migrate and direct the resources to the migration stream.
So are you going to opt for either of these two software migration methodologies sometime soon? In case your reply is yes, seek the help of any firm that specializes in delivering quality-backed software migration services.
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