Spiritual Healing Holistic Techniques - How to Increase Healing Energy Now

 The true nature of healing is about generating optimum energy in order to fully enjoy living your life. Healing is much more than a technique of doing, it is a state of Being; Being at peace with ourselves, our bodies, our relationships and our lives. Let's explore how to create more healing energy to improve your health and the quality of your life.

Healing is a return to wholeness by achieving balance in your life. To get started, we need to explore the nature of health and let go of some outdated concepts. During childhood, were taught that healing is only a means to fix and cure. We learned that healing happens as a reaction to illness or something to focus on when we're sick. Many traditional methods of healing in our culture are about fighting and conquering illness and disease. However, the fundamental flaw with these approaches is that they consider healing a static, something to "do" once you're already sick.

There is a saying,"a person is alive, but not really living." Traditional healing is about keeping the body alive, sometimes at all costs. In the medical field, death is seen as failure. There are many souls trapped in physical bodies due to the advancement of medicine. There are even machines that will keep your lungs breathing for you. Just keeping a body alive, doesn't produce a state of healing.

Wholeness honors and respects all four levels of your being. It begins by owning and respecting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These four levels of being or "bodies" are the foundation to wholeness that leads to creating inner child work optimum health. Genuine healing is a return to wholeness by achieving balance in your life.

The Four Levels of Your Being that Produce Health and Wellness.

The first level of healing is with your physical body. It's the most visible aspect of our being. We can easily identify and see the symptoms of illness physically. However, the lack of illness doesn't define a state of health and wellness. Unfortunately, many people use their body as the only barometer to determine if they are healthy or ill. If there are no symptoms or pain in my body, then I must be healthy. Right? That like saying, well if we aren't at war... then we must be at peace! Right? Wrong! You'll soon see that the physical body is only the first of four bodies to evaluate your state of health and wellness.

Healing begins by making choices to care for your body. Ask yourself these questions to evaluate your relationship to your body.

Do you appreciate your physical body? Do you find it easy to accept or do you constantly criticize your body? Are you ashamed of your body? Are you measuring it against standards of perfection that are impossible to achieve? If so, then ask yourself why and write down your answers in a journal. Writing it down helps you reflect deeper. These four questions will help determine your current relationship with your physical body and can be a catalyst to jump start your healing process. Be honest with your answers and write them down.

You may discover you have been in a very dysfunctional relationship with your body. If so, forgive yourself and begin to accept, appreciate and respect your body, just as it is. Acceptance, appreciation and respect will quickly change the dysfunctional relationship with your body. It can also help develop positive habits to care for your body and nuture it toward health.


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