Backpacking Around the Best Beaches in the USA

 All too often, backpackers heading to the USA get blinded by the bright lights of New York or Los Angeles. Sure, these are top backpacking destinations, but budget travel in the USA doesn't have to be all about city-slicking. America, after all, is a vast and varied place.

One great vacation option that isn't urban-holidaymaking is beach going. The USA boasts some immensely beautiful stretches of coastline, and awesome weather to match. What's more these sandy havens are often accompanied by beach hostels, which provide sociable and affordable accommodation.

Backpacking around the beaches of the USA is more than possible for the budget traveler, then. If the sound of a beach-vacation American-style tickles your fancy, it may be worth checking out some of the following great beach-and-hostel combinations...

Venice Beach, California

Venice Beach is the quintessential American beach. This is a place where you can not only sunbathe on the sand, but you can also rollerblade or skate along Sim Stati Uniti the parallel promenade, where you can play handball, paddle tennis, volleyball and (of course) basketball on the many playing surfaces provided, and where you can join hot-bods and body builders on the famous Muscle Beach workout. Quite simply, this is Baywatch incarnate.

Venice Beach Cotel has been a traveler's favorite in this part of California for over 20 years now. It's a straight-up and affordable place, with a multitude of backpackers milling about its social areas every morning before heading off to the delights of the beach.

South Beach, Miami

Miami is basically defined by the huge beach that stretches along its shore. South Beach (as the name suggests) is the southern part of that beach. It's also the part that is famous for its rich and glitzy lifestyle, with the US' most famous celebrities constantly clamoring to own a seafront property here. Needless to say, the sand is pristine, the water perfectly clear, and the general view simply breathtaking.

Miami Beach International Travelers Hostel is a top rated hostel in the area. It's a boutique kind of place, which means you won't feel at odds with all the glitz around you. And, what's more, it's outrageously affordable for accommodation of this sort and in this part of town. USA hostels rarely come better than this.

Waikiki Beach, Hawaii

It goes without saying that a beach-going backpacking trip around the States simply must take in the wonder that is Hawaii. There's a slew of options here, from Maui to Kauai, but for good honest affordable fun, it's hard to beat the great sand and awesome surf of Waikiki Beach.

Waikiki Beachside Hostel is only a five minute walk from the action. Clean, comfortable and game for a laugh, it's the perfect beach-bum's hangout.


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