Big Data Intelligence - Role in Enterprise Collaboration

 Managing explosive data volumes is essential for every enterprise. The burgeoning data needs to be attended to with effective tools of archiving and purging. But one can leverage the large body of intelligence from multiple sources for effective collaboration.

Large projects involve thousands of people and several million documents and generate a huge amount of intelligence with raw information, internal communications and processes. The new mobile innovations and web-based technology related to collaboration has prompted capture of data which can be shared with project members anywhere. Every data aspect contributes to the overall intelligence factor within the organization.

With the inflow of information in an enterprise, new ai processes need to be accommodated. The learning curve gets bigger and bigger with the exploding big data. Organizations need to make optimum utility of the burgeoning universe of intelligence and use it for setting and accelerating project schedules, boost the overall project quality and enhance profitability.

The ideal collaboration service needs to be safe, secure, neutral, centrally located, unlimited, and search-friendly too.

• The captured data needs to be safeguarded from unauthorized parties or any alteration or damage. It needs to be supported and secured by a transparent audit trail of all decisions and actions.

• Neutral implies that the project team members need to be given equal access rights without any "super-users" who can control the accessibility structure to project data.

• Centralized means that service is active and is the nexus of the complete project intelligence. The service would reside within a firewall any other gate which would restrict access for project members residing externally. Exchange of data should be permitted for authorized users.

• Unlimited means there should not be any limit to the size, numbers of files, usage, or any other criteria related to upload of data. It needs to be scalable and flexible for management of big data with complete transparency and accountability.

• Searchable means that the repository can be searched for different criteria and should easily dig through volumes of data from multiple sources

The organization's ability to benchmark its IT performance related to a certain project or all its projects is essential for better transparency and creditability. All project information is part of an expanding data set and includes business intelligence With the right collaboration system, organizations can get a hold of their 'big data results' and improve their processes for the future. Intelligence gained from big data management goes a long way to improving an organization's data strategies.


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