Comic Book Collecting Through Time
Most comic book collectors have an appreciation for the unique art form these vintage books represent. There is a wealth of information available on the internet concerning comic books, collecting comics, artists, writers and creators but, there is just no substitute for a hands-on fully illustrated comic book! Ask anyone who likes comics; you'll see that holding a tangible, printed source is immensely more gratifying than the online equivalent. The Comic Book In America: An Illustrated History, written by Mike Benton, does an excellent job at reviewing key issues in detail and offering a comprehensive view of the evolution of comic books as an art form.
Beginning in 1934, when the first comic was introduced in the United States until today Americans have had a fascination with not only comics but, the unique comic artwork throughout the book and particularly the book art cover! There have been so many talented artists each with their own personal style and accomplishments over the years. Some of the best have received an "Eisner Award" for their creative achievement in American comic books.
As stories developed, new characters emerged, and the genres changed, comics became defined by the era in which they were published. The first era known as the Golden Age of comics, which defines comics which came out during the 30's and 40's. Next, beginning in the 50's extending possibly to the 70's are Silver Age comics which leads into the Bronze Age between the 70's and 80's and finally ending with the Modern Age comics from the mid 80's to today.
The Golden Age is probably most famous for its superheroes like Superman, Batman, Captain America and Wonder Woman. Another notable comic which came out during the Golden Age was the introduction of Archie who first appeared in Pep Comics #22 in December of 1941.
During the Silver Age, The Mighty Crusaders, which was Origin of Peaches Archie Comics brief introduction of their own superheroes, came out between 1966 & 1967. This was short lived as their audience may have preferred their renowned teenage characters like Archie, Betty, Veronica, Reggie and Jughead.
Ghost Rider, Werewolf by Night, Swamp Thing (and many more) from the explosion of monster themed comic books which emerged around 1972 during the Bronze Age.
Marvel Comic Group Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider Man, The New Teen Titans, Micronauts, The Spider-Woman and more which were introduced during the "DC Implosion" which occurred in the late 70's - early 80's. This is a time when counter culture comics, mini-series and toy comics emerged as well as teenage superheroes. Then in 1980 one of the most popular comics emerged: X-Men Comics which became one of the best selling titles of the year!
Marvel Comics Group Dazzler and Captain Victory which were marketed exclusively in specialty shop markets in the early 1980's or the Modern Age.
As the true comic book store began moving away from carrying the best comics for collectors, they began selling off in large lots their stock of vintage, collectible vintage comics.. Therefore, when it comes to purchasing an old time favorite comic book for yourself or a friend or actually becoming a collector, the internet offers a greater opportunity for finding and purchasing the perfect comic book. It has been my observation that many local comic book stores are getting away from carrying the true vintage comics. I have noticed that local stores tend to carry a lot of other related merchandise and few comic books. Of the books they do carry I have also noticed that most of them are current issues and not ones to be collected such as vintage books.
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