Dream Interpretation - A Science That Saves Your Mental Health

 Carl Jung managed to discover the real meaning of the symbolic dream language. However, you won't be able to completely understand the meaning of dreams based on his vague, obscure, and complex method of dream interpretation.

My simplification is necessary if you want to immediately understand the dream language. I had to discover the meaning of many dream symbols translating numerous dreams for many different people for two decades before I could clarify and simplify Jung's complex method.

My discoveries after continuing Carl Jung's research prove to the world that he was a genius who discovered the dream logic. However, my discoveries also prove that the human race is too far from sound mental health. Our dreams work like psychotherapy because we need treatment. We are basically absurd from birth.

First of all I'm going to explain why you can absolutely trust the dream translations based on the scientific method of dream interpretation.

Even though many people believe that they are able to interpret the meaning of dreams, the truth is that the dream language is very complicated. Without understanding the dream logic, you cannot understand the dream messages. You have to get used to the symbolism used by the unconscious mind that produces your dreams.

Everything becomes simple only when you respect the unconscious logic, which is based on different criteria. The unconscious mind is not an idiotic Click here buy xanax online legal primate like you. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams has a divine origin. It is a superior mind. You must learn how to follow the superior logic of this wise ancient mind that attained perfection.

If you'll try to translate the meaning of dreams based on your conscious logic, you'll never be able to see the hidden unconscious messages. Dream translation could be compared to discovering a different picture hidden behind another picture, if we pay attention to different details.

When we translate the meaning of dreams with the right method, which is the scientific one, we discover the unconscious words contained in the dream images. These words give us many important messages and trustful information. The unconscious mind is our natural protector.

This is why dream interpretation according to the scientific method is a very serious practice. When you learn the right method of dream translation, you understand the superior unconscious guidance in your dreams.

The symbolic meaning of the dream language is always the same for everyone. For example, a snake always represents a bad event that will put an end to a mistake you are making, without understanding how dangerous you attitude is.

Behind all the deceptions of life, you'll find your anti-conscience, ready to imprison your conscience into the labyrinth of craziness. The anti-conscience is your wild and evil conscience. It can only lead you to violence, terror, craziness, and despair. If you'll follow its absurd thoughts, you'll lose your mind.

The snake in a dream is a protection. It represents the intervention of the divine providence, which helps you avoid the anti-conscience's traps.

The snake shows you that you will be punished for making a serious mistake, but thanks to this punishment, you'll stop making a horrible mistake that is ruining your life, and avoid tragic consequences.

The snake is the medicine that cures your psyche. It makes you regret for doing what is bad, or for not paying attention to the unconscious warnings. This is a sacred meaning that you should respect. You must be careful and discover your mistake. Stop closing your eyes before what is bad.

My work gives you all the answers you need because I continued Jung's dangerous research into the unknown region of the human psyche, where we could find craziness. Jung knew that craziness was inherited - he knew that it already existed in the human mind, but he didn't know where all the absurdity we inherit was.

I discovered that all the craziness, the evilness, and the violence that characterize the human being belong to our anti-conscience, the wild side of our conscience that didn't evolve like our human side. The anti-conscience occupies the biggest part of our brain. Even our tiny human conscience is under-developed and one-sided. This means that we are totally absurd.

We need help in order to evolve. The unconscious mind sends us protective messages in dreams in order to save our mental health. Since we already are absurd from birth, we can very easily acquire worse mental illnesses. We need protection from many dangers.

Therefore, if you'll see a snake in a dream, you must understand that you will face a big problem in the future. There is a bad event awaiting you. This is a serious warning.


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